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Ultimate AdStaker Profit Strategy Revealed


AdStaker is changing the world of digital advertising. For those who have been dreaming of finding an app that can pay them well and for a very long time with very minimum effort AdStaker is the answer.

AdStaker is a paid to view ads platform. The way it works in a nutshell: Purchase AdStaker tokens  (available on Pancake Swap) and stake them on the AdStaker App. 

Every day you view a minimum of 10 ads the app rewards with a staking reward which is a percentage of the total amount of AdStaker Tokens you have staked. The daily rewards are variable but have been from 1%  to 5% of your staked amount.

For example, if you have 10,000 Adstaker tokens staked and view 10 ads, the next day if the daily variable percentage is 1% you would receive 100 additional AdStaker tokens.

You would now have 10,100 Adstaker tokens and because AdStaker app automatically compounds your earned rewards the next time you will earn a percentage of 10,100 and so on and so on.

Play The Long Game

The ultimate AdStaker strategy is to play the long game. 

Each day you earn a staking reward it is automatically added to your stake.

Let's use the example of a starting stake of 10,000 Adstaker tokens. With 1% daily rewards compounded for just 1 year your 10,000 stake would grow to 377,834.34 Adstaker Tokens.

Now,  again, the rewards are variable so some days they can be 1.5% or 2% or even as high as 5%.

Unstake/Withdraw Only What You Need

First, AdStaker also has a variable maximum unstaking limit. So you can't ever unstake all your tokens at once. That's actually a great feature. There are no taxes or other costs to unstake. 

The max unstaking/withdrawal limit keeps the selling pressure down on the exchange which, in turn, helps to stabilize the token price.

AdStaker is designed from the ground up to be a long-term income-earning platform.

The reasons AdStaker will be around for a long time are primarily because:

1. AdStaker earns income from it's Advertisers. AdStaker is the only advertising platform that only shows ads to actual buyers. Every ad viewer must have a minimum amount of AdStaker tokens staked (150 as of this writing). It's a super-powerful advertising medium. Advertising is the  #1 most purchased product by far online. Over 6 Billion dollars in digital advertising were purchased in 2022 alone.

2. AdStaker is actually a highly centralized app. While some hard-core crypto degens may think that's a bad thing it's actually great for serious long-term investors. Admin and his Team can change many of the variables to maintain the apps longevity and the stability of the AdStaker Token price.

The Ultimate AdStaker Strategy

From what we've discussed already you can see that the ultimate strategy to use would be to compound your AdStaker Tokens daily for as long as possible.

Only unstake when you need some quick cash and keep the rest staked and automatically compounding.

The reason some people want to stake short-term on a lot of staking apps is FEAR.

Some people are afraid if they don't sell as much as possible they will lose their money. 

This is a fairly well-founded fear since a lot of apps disappear suddenly. But as explained above AdStaker is truly different. It's going to be here for you for a very long time.


  1. This long term strategy is key to having a Huge success.
    The crypto atmosphere is set to take hold in ways never available up
    until now. Adstaker; use it wisely and it can become your literal money
    machine. The features about to be unleashed are truly cutting edge..
    If you are advertising your offer online currently, change your strategy
    and advertise to BUYERS with Adstaker!


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