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Stakers + Advertisers The AdStaker Dynamo Effect

  The powerful Dynamo Effect created between AdStaker Advertisers and AdStaker Stakers is a marvelous wonder that could only happen in the world of crypto. When we created AdStaker we were firm in our commitment to present to our advertisers only viewers who have: Purchased AdStaker Tokens (ADSTKR). Staked AdStaker Tokens on our app. What this purchase/staking accomplishes is: AdStaker Tokens purchased increases the token value. AdStaker tokens staked helps stabilize the token value. Now, here is where the AdStaker wizardry happens.. Because Stakers have purchased and staked tokens our Advertisers now have the advantage of knowing their ads are seen only by actual 'Buyers'. But that's not all. Our Advertisers also have the advantage of knowing their ads are being seen by Members who are earning  income on their staked tokens. This means that everyone who views our ads are both Buyers and Earners. In other words, prospects with money to spend . And of course, our Stake
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Uncompromising Targeted Lead Source

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Ultimate AdStaker Profit Strategy Revealed

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AdStaker App Best Advertising Concept On Blockchain

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New Category Crypto Staking Protocol

  Over the past couple years staking cryptocurrencies has really taken off big time. If staking crypto is new to you it basically means you are tying up some of your crypto tokens to earn passive rewards. In the past there was only one kind of staking and that was staking tokens in order to secure blockchain protocols. This type of staking usually requires you to have a LOT of tokens. And then new protocols arrived on the scene that offered staking in virtually any amount in order for the protocol to offer products such as crypto insurance, governance and liquidity. Today there's a brand new type of staking and so it's been paying it's stakers big time. It's called Ad Staking.   As an Ad Staker you are staking tokens in order  to facilitate online advertising. At AdStaker you are paid rewards daily on your stake by simply viewing a minimum of ten advertisements. The concept is simple as ABC (yet very powerful): A) Businesses need to reach targeted prospects to show thei