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How To Turn A Couple $Hundred Into Tens Of $Thousands


Too many people in crypto live in fear. 

Fear of their tokens going down in value. Fear of the crypto earning program they joined going belly-up or getting rug pulled.

These are all rational fears because the reality is tokens do go up and down and crypto programs do go belly up or get rugged.

But fear also causes investors to lose money or not earn as much as they possibly could.

So here's some tips on how to turn any investment amount into life-changing money.

Tip #1

Buy low, sell high. You need to be a bargain hunter in crypto. Right now as I write this the whole crypto market is "on sale", meaning prices are low across the board.

Tip #2

Don't invest more than you can afford to lose. If you don't heed this tip then even if you win the stress meanwhile will take it's toll on your health and relationships.

Tip #3

Compound Interest. If you find a program that allows you to compound your returns you must take advantage of it. Let your interest keep accumulating. 

And SUPER-POWERED compound interest is when you are compounding PLUS your tokens price continues to increase!

Let's take my favorite program AdStaker as an example of Super-Powered Compounding:

Right now as I write this AdStaker's price on Pancake Swap is $0.1466 cents:

Here's how using AdStaker's automatic-compounding feature can potentially and easily make you wealthy within just one year.

Let's say you only have $200 total to start with. And let's say the daily staking reward was 1% every day (that would be the low average). 

Today $200 would purchase 1,364 AdStaker Tokens. Simply stake them in the AdStaker App and just watch 10 awesome ads every day. 

Even if you didn't buy anymore for a whole year (which you probably would) you would have a total of 53,536.60 AdStaker Tokens

At today's price that would be $7,848.46. That's an increase of 3678.3%!

Now, since AdStaker has been as high as $1 before and potentially, probably, will be again within a year's time how much you could earn? 

At $1 AdStaker price you would have earned $53,536!

What if AdStaker went up to $5 per token (which some have predicted could definitely happen)?

At $5 AdStaker Price you would have earned $267,680! 

All from one $200 initial stake. And again imagine if you staked more or kept staking more over the year's time.

"Yeah, but what if..."

Again, here's where perfectly rational fears can derail your chances of potentially becoming wealthy.

That's why you need to DYOR (Do Your Own Research).

AdStaker was founded and created by Rick Katz who has a sterling reputation online. He is an online marketer and online business creator with decades of experience.

The AdStaker Community is incredible and includes many top industry veterans.

Check out AdStaker here and feel free to ask questions:




To close, AdStaker is for sure not for everyone, but do your research and see if it sounds like a good plan for you.


  1. Buy Low / There is no better time than Right Now.. Adstaker is the
    key to financial success. Advertise to Active Buyers / They are looking
    for products and services that will assist them. HODOL / Your tokens
    are your means of sustainability in this current financial atmosphere.
    Compound your money by merely watching ten ads inside Adstaker
    once a day..


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